Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer fun...AF Canyon half marathon and 5k

I can't believe that it has been over a month since I have blogged!!  and....there is less than a month until school starts.  That makes me sad, I am so not ready for summer to end...better make the best of this last month!! 
We have had a lot of fun past month.
The four boys and I went to Utah for a couple of weeks to visit my family.  We had a blast and I didn't take enough pictures!!  I am horrible about taking pictures while on vacation.  I will have to have my sisters send me some of the pictures that they took.

While we were in Utah, I ran the American Fork Half Marathon and my bro-in-law was nice enough to run the 5k with my niece(12), nephew(his 6 year old) and my son(11).

I had to wake up at 2:30am to get ready to leave my parent's house in Layton to get to American Fork by 4 or 4:30 to load the buses to ride up the canyon. was nice to have my bro-in-law run and bring the boys down later since their race didn't start until 7 and they didn't have to catch buses.

The run down the canyon was beautiful.  It was my first half marathon....and I survived :)  I was hoping to finish it in under 2 hours and barely made it...with 38 seconds to spare.

I LOVED this run and hope to run it again next year.  My 11, oops, now 12(as of Sunday) year old says he wants to run it with me next year.  It sure would be fun to have someone to hang out with at the starting line...especially him!

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